Monday 27 August 2012

Oats Upma


Oats Upma
Have you ever tried making upma with oats? Upma, a very common and quick South Indian breakfast dish, is not very popular unlike its counterpart, the famous Masala Dosa. People either love or hate Upma. I know of many kids and adults alike who hate to hear the phrase ‘upma for breakfast’. I don’t belong to that category, though. I like to eat upma occasionally.
I have prepared numerous recipes with oats in it, especially upma varieties – plain sooji upma, rice ravva upma or wheat rava upma. You just need to give it some thought and see how you can infuse oats into the original recipe. Plain Oats Upma has always turned out to my satisfaction. My family is not too fond of upma, eat it occasionally, but when I try to serve upma with oats in it, they are more than willing to try. I’m a happy lady. :)

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